Monday 29 April 2013

Be Honest With Me...

Everyone values the opinion of others. I know I do. Getting other people's opinions really helps me see the pros and cons of a situation that I may not have thought of myself. Ultimately though, I know it's my decision to make, other people's opinions just help make it easier (or in some cases make you become infinitely more confused.)
It is because of this influence that I truly do appreciate honesty.
If you ask for my opinion on something, I'll be honest with you and tell you what I truly think. It may not be something you want to hear, but it's still my opinion and you asked for it. You don't have to go with what I'm saying at all. Maybe it sometimes comes across as blunt, unsympathetic or like I don't care but I'm not trying to do that at all. I really just want to be honest with you than have to make something up that I don't believe. I know I'd rather hear the truth than something you think I want to hear.
In saying this, I don't go around giving my two cents worth wherever it's due. I'm not like that at all. Unless I'm super passionate about what you're talking about, I usually just keep my opinion to myself. But if you ask me, I'll say. I think this is starting to make me sound like a bitch. I do try to sugar coat it a touch so you don't hate me completely... I guess you could call it "constructive criticism."
But at the end of the day, you can do what you want with my opinion: you asked for it and I gave it. Like I said at the beginning, I appreciate others' opinions so I can see all the options. My opinion doesn't have to be your final decision. It's your decision. And I'd expect for people to do the same for me.
But really, honesty is the best policy.

Sunday 28 April 2013

Gossip Girl is Dead

After my obsession with the television show Gossip Girl over the past couple of years, I was surprised (and slightly angry) with myself after realising that Season 6 had been out on DVD for two months and it hadn't been brought to my attention. So when I did discover this ground shattering news (in my boring world at least,) I raced to Kmart and picked myself up a copy. Don't worry though, no spoilers here. Well, no direct spoilers at least.

When Gossip Girl is finally revealed in the finale, they were quoted as saying "I wasn't born into this world... maybe I could write myself into it." This quote and this character really got me thinking about my future and how we can all "write" our own.
Now, I have no intention of starting Australia's own Gossip Girl site and ratting out my friends and I don't want to force myself into being something I'm not like the people of the Upper East Side. I'm talking more about knowing exactly what your goals are and just how to get there. It's up to you to make your own decisions about your life. It is your life after all. 

This second quote is more my cup of tea. "Creating" my future seems better to me than literally writing your role in life like our good friend Gossip Girl. I have no direct plans for my future. But I do know that I'm independent and strong and whatever I choose to do, however I write my story, I'll do everything to the best that I can, and be the best that I can.

Gossip Girl wrote themselves into their Upper East Side world so they could be whoever they wanted to be. This is what I want, to be able to be whoever I want to be and be completely myself. I've been at the same school, surrounded by the same people, my whole life. I can't change who I am or be a bit different because I know people will judge me for changing. Either that or they almost certainly won't accept my change because they've already stereotyped me as what I was: a bit of a loser.

Enough of the serious stuff... if you didn't know the last season was already on DVD like the fool that I am, what are you doing reading this? Go out and get it!

Now that Gossip Girl is over and the characters are moving on, I feel like it's the same for me. I can't wait for a change.

And while I already feel as though I am ready to start writing my next chapter,  I know I need to finish the current one properly. 2014 will be a page turner, I can feel it.

The images from this post are from

Monday 8 April 2013

Welcome to me, Welcome to you

Welcome to my Blogger page I've Got Something To Say! I have to welcome myself to this page also as I don't really know what it will be about but we go with the flow here! I created my account in one of my severe procrastination modes but I scolded myself and made myself get back to work on my Chemistry essay. I can assure you writing this post is 100 times easier, quicker and more interesting than Chemistry. To be perfectly honest, I feel a bit strange writing on the internet like it's a diary and having people read it. Although who knows if anyone ever will read it anyway. I thought I'd spend a bit of time writing about myself in this post before I can really nut out what I want this page to be. I imagine it will mostly be about fashion, beauty, food and just generally about my life. Hopefully it will be interesting enough for people to want to read but here goes nothing.

I probably should firstly introduce myself. My name is Lucy. I'm a 17 year old Australian student in my final year of school preparing to head off into the "real world" of university, jobs and other scary things. I have absolutely no idea what I want to do next year, let alone for the rest of my life, so the prospect of leaving the school I've been at for 14 years into something completely new terrifies me. I'm hoping this blog might spark some inspiration for something I may want to do, but like I said earlier, I'm quite content with going with the flow for now.

My Face.
I am the worlds best (or worst, however you want to look at it) procrastinator. I set up this account to avoid doing an assignment, I'm writing this post to avoid doing another one and basically, if there is something I'm meant to be doing, I'm not doing it. Or if I am (somewhat) doing it, it takes me double if not triple the amount of time to do it as it would a normal human being. Actually, this is partially a lie. I only procrastinate school work and tidying up my room, which currently looks like a bomb's hit it.

I'm a lover of fashion and beauty. 2013 will be my third year working in a women's clothing store which I think has helped to fuel my love for fashion and style. I don't think I have my own definite 'style,' I usually stick to the current fashion trends but in saying that, I don't feel scared to be a little different every now and again. Some of the posts on this blog will probably be about fashion and beauty but mixed with other random things as well. If you'd like to drop me a comment (if there is in fact anyone reading this) about topics for me to talk about, feel free! Maybe this will open some new opportunities for my future, who knows!

I'm not really sure what else to say about myself at the moment, but let's keep it at somewhat of a mystery for now. I hope this isn't too long and boring, I do feel as though I have rambled on a bit, but I'm new so give me a break! I think I will post every few days, but at least once a week. I won't set one particular day or anything just yet. I don't think I will have any trouble posting weekly knowing my homework procrastination levels.

Thanks for taking the time out to read this!
Lucy xxx